Project outputs
- establishment of experimental laboratories at VÅ PJ, reinforcement of regional research activities mostly in the field of biomedical engineering, electronics, signal processing and acoustics
- the installed HW and SW will be put into operation and applied in the research practice
- design, verification, and application of research methods connected with the project research tasks
- reciprocal involvement of academic staff of VÅ PJ and FHTW in research and educational activities of the partner, mutual internships of specialists at the partner school, know-how tranfer
- active participation of both partners at the common research
- mutual exchange of specialists, enrichment of the region with foreign experiences and specialized know-how
- development of the lung model as a new method of testing medical appliances
- mutual cooperation in development of new technologies, stimulation of regional economics by means of new opportunities for production of specialized appliances
- project dissemination will strenghten the interest of high-school students of the inter-cultural dialogue
- common publications and participation at international conferences that will present the outputs of the common research
- creation of a tighter network of relationships between academic workers, enhancement of the level of education by means of student's participation at the inovative sub-projects
- the established relationships between VÅ PJ and FHTW will serve as a basis for further expansion of cross-border cooperation